Saturday, 11 June 2011

SHORT: We Are Floating Together in Infinite Space [2007]

We Are Floating Together in Infinite Space

We have a go order.

Mission Control, do you copy?

- That is affirmative, this is a go.

In approximately ten seconds time you will be exiting the stratosphere, 
never to return to this world.

These are your basic instructions before leaving earth.

You are about to leave behind everything you have ever known.

Your friends; your family; all your most treasured possessions –
they will all be over in the blink of an eye.

It’s started already; the brightness flares beneath and you can feel yourself gradually elevated skyward.

You are weightless and immortal; there is nothing but the infinite possibility of the sky to separate you from God.

The darkness surrounds you; it binds you to the atmosphere, and you are dreaming.

You are dreaming of the only one you ever loved.

She is inside you. She is there with you. She is radiating from within your bloodstream with the intensity of a thousand suns.

And your air is her air. And your pulse is hers. Your hearts beat in unison and there is nothing you cannot achieve – no distance too far; no terrain too hazardous.

You are floating together in infinite space.

You have now left the stratosphere for the final time. These are your basic instructions for survival.

This is a go, repeat: this is a go.

It is time.

C.C. 07/04/07

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