Sunday, 12 June 2011

LYRICS: Build America [2009]

Build America

You’ve got eyes, wild, a maze of illusion
You say you’re building a land of the future
But the boat that transported you here today
Was left cast ashore before turning away

In the storm, thrown by the sting of a wave
Overboard, her captaincy there to be saved
By the same gods who would raise up the tide
And leave not – one - soul left alive…

You laid three graves where this quake split the earth
Commissioned a flag to embroider your worth

You don’t know, no, how your life’s about to change
You don’t know, no, that I’m slipping out of range
You won’t know, no, when good things are coming to you
Oh, don’t you know good things are coming to you soon…

Now your heart yearns like a fire in November
Burns more fuel than you care to remember
Too scared to cry for the love of a saviour
Too drunk to dream of our romantic failure

Take arms, destroy all that’s left of the union
Your mind, a library of rage and confusion
That glows white as it repopulates
All the ships bound for the United States

You raised this whole country up from the ground
But you’re not discovered yet, you’ve not been found

You won’t know, no, how your life’s about to change

You won’t know, no, that I’m slipping out of range

You won’t know, no, when good things are coming to you
Oh, don’t you know good things are coming to you soon…

I can’t feel anything
I can’t taste anything
I don’t love anyone
I won’t live anymore

C.C. 25/01/09

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